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    Sigh. I have wanted just to start writing this line for dog years, but I couldn’t get myself to. So, perceiving that there could be an angel who has held the demon tormenting my writing life with a sword to its neck, I take this window of grace to see what I can do with […] More

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    “If a man finds a woman who is desperate enough, a woman who just wants something close to love, against all odds, he’ll treat her in any kind of way, as long as he still acts like he wants her. Just a little manipulation here and there to get what he wants from her. Because, […] More

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    I thought about it for a while. About whether I should also do it or not. Do I really want to know? More like, am I ready to face other people’s opinions? In as much as it kept bugging me, “What you don’t know doesn’t kill you”, I consoled myself as I brushed off the […] More

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    Well mjango, today marks another successful year in my blogging journey. Oh trust me it has crossed my mind several times about whether to still carry on but the fact that you, yes you – are still committed to reading me here is what keeps me going. You folks don’t know what level of joy […] More

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    There are infinite tips of spears that poke our backs day in and day out in life. It either tears the flesh on our bodies or we heal but not without evidences of scars. I have not lived life long enough to say so much about it. Even the good book says people who have […] More

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    At one point in our lives, we were unlucky to be casualties of love. Most of us if not all of us have suffered from the effects of loving someone. In human language, that is what is called a heartbreak. Ever wondered why it is termed as so? Maybe it is because when you experience […] More

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