As I write this I’m seated on a stone pavement, staring at a gay sky. It was the most calm place I could find though the sound of a construction site across the road is taking away the innocence of my cherished moment. My mind was blank. But in some way it managed to open a portal for a word that happens to be the title of this piece. It gives you and me the chills when mentioned. FATE. But it’s something we can never devise prevention methods. It hit me once just recently. Okay not me really, but someone rather close. You know that common saying on friendship, ‘friends through life and death?’ So all that took me aback.
About a week ago, it all landed like a meteorite. Even the recap of it all scoops flesh off my heart. Now mjango, I know what you thinking. Since you watch too many movies, ati you think I was going home that night through the city and took a wrong turn. Before I knew it, the leprechaun appears demanding for his pot of gold. Ama I was chased by zombies with Rick on walking dead. Or rather chased by cops while on a mission with Vin Diesel on the fast and furious. Okay I’d make one hell of an actor I know, but this one was different.#Wiping a Tear.
I spent the whole Saturday chasing and undertaking journalistic duties. Contended with the day and ready to leave the department, my watch showed me a 7.45 pm kind of a face. Being the kind of guy I am, I didn’t want to leave any stone unturned before leaving. Though all that was in mind was how the hell I’d reach home for I was dead beat I tell you. The nerve wrecking phone call ambushed my phone resting on a table behind me when I was laughing to some joke made by the sitting editor. The laughter was cut short when some guy seated at that table browsing about Trump’s scandals; tapped my arm and pointed at the vibrating device next to him. (If you aren’t thinking about the trump scandals mentioned, you better consult you tube mjango. It will confirm what you already know. Aye.) I picked it up. It’s my dad. I figured he wanted to know where I was.
“Hallo Vick uko wapi?”
Confused, I wondered how my dad had all of a sudden changed to a youthful voice. I was to make a joke and say, “Dad wacha mchezo.” But I quickly clicked that my dad doesn’t call me Vick, neither does my mum or any elderly mjango.
“I’m around Thika road. Just about to leave. Who is this anyway?”
“Ni Victor.” Yea, they guy having a name like mine is the brother to the intended for this story who I like to call Candy.
Later I came to know that my pops was driving like ghost rider. That’s why he couldn’t call by himself lest the news breaks that some pedestrians became chapatis after a car that lost control ran over them. Sorry that sounds childish.
“Si upitie hapo Neema hospital ju weh ndo uko karibu tafadhali. Tunakam.”
“Kwani nini imehappen?”
“…. Amepata accide…” Aaaki ya nani!! Now that pricked my heart to a profuse discharge of anguish.
“Okay I’m on my way there right away.”
I took a flight with my feet. At the same time I was drowning in a sea of thought over the possibilities and impossibilities of what might have happened to her. So many ‘what ifs’. I cannot count the number of times I said‘Gosh’. Going home was no longer an agenda. She was my only agenda.
7.59 pm. I board a matatu at Mountain Mall stage.
8.06 pm. I arrive at the Safari Park stage.
8.11 pm. Damn. I had mistaken the hospital entry. I had to go round again.
8.20. At the Neema Hospital gate. “Gichana unaenda wapi?” The guard at the gate having noticed my abnormal almost paranormal pace stops me. Out of respect I don’t tell him,“Nigga! If only you knew… Now would you stop wasting my time?”
“Wewe ni mkonjwa?” (Accent it with a western dialect so that it can enter properly. I mean ndio iingiane vizuri ukisoma. Jameni look at you.)
8.21 pm. Gosh! I had been directed to the emergency entrance. You heard that? Emergency entrance. Jeez. I found a black fielder (vehicle) parked near the entrance. I call it the Samaritan vehicle. The beautiful soul I had come to hold by the hand is the only one I noticed among the buzzing multitude around. Helpless but with the support of a lady among the angels sent to grant her assistance. Bless her. Thank heavens she was on her feet though. Seeing her in that state of agony and pain made me panic. She only took one look at me. The pain in her head had all her attention. It was not the usual welcome. Yes the injuries where head based. Though today I look at her and i’m glad it didn’t take away the face diva she’s always had on. She sobbed even the more………….. Too feeble to even stand on support. She had to be carefully helped to sit in the back seat. God knows how confused I was. I just couldn’t stand seeing her suffer like that. I felt like sobbing too. But I was to be the strong one here. So I snapped to my manly responsibility. I had two feelings though. Pity and rage. Rage because of the cruelty of fate.
8.32 pm. Her brother calls again to enquire about the situation on the ground.
8.33 pm. I learnt that we had to leave for Guru Nanak Hospital since there was no further assistance she could get from the current hospital. #Click “This is Kenya!” I said to myself as the car exited the gate. I was in the back seat as well. On the left. Candy in the middle and a guy called Ben on the right; Involved in the same fate as well. He nursed his pain silently. I had the humble opportunity to take a good look and converse with the angel who took it upon herself to ferry the injured soul to the nearest hospital from Roysambu. She was a first year student in USIU. Okay she was damn pretty and slim. Perfect. I had to notice even in the midst of agony in the vehicle speeding down Thika Superhighway. A man is still a man.
8.40 pm. The heaven sent USIU angel alights at homeland; having being seating on the passenger seat. She utters her last lovely words of recovery to Candy before shutting the door. She had done her part. Bless her more. I was to stay with her all through to the next hospital where her mum, bro and uncle would soon turn up. It was no easy moment I tell you. I took hold of her hand. She calmly leaned on my shoulder but heavily breathing. The chill on her palm silently told me how hard it was for her nerves to deal with that bracket of time and pain. Pain killers must have eased it though. She tried to sleep to forget the pain and probably, the traumatizing mental replay of how it all happened. Too exhausted and anguished to even utter a word.
8.45 pm. Passing through Muthaiga. I constantly looked at her face. I could tell she had shed streams of tears before I showed up. She looked so innocent. It was painful to realize that I could not take away the agony. Then something hit me. I hadn’t talked to her in two weeks. Reason? Inexplicable. It’s one of those things that are considered mundane. But here is a time and event that reminded me the value of valuing people; while we have them. Not because of the fear that fate may do what it does best. But more because it’s the virtue of friendship that we ought to up hold always. Friendship is a responsibility. Every day is an opportunity to show people you care about that you really love and care about them. That? Has no regrets.
12.40 am. Candy is discharged from Nairobi West Hospital. It was found to be the hospital where the life of a pretty Kenyan was valued. She is now singing “Kama kawaiidaa… I kill it I do…” Happily recovered.

Damn loving TheMjangoSeries ?keep up
Rate:5star ??
Haiyaaaaa for starters the last paragraph has taken all my attention,, I love that song??. The story is nice. Brief too
I’ve enjoyed it, I’ve felt the pain for a moment there. I love it
its a true one.. thank you my all time commentator
Never missed out on this articles…awesome one brozaman??
Shukran Bro