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    “Wangari! Nyambu! Amkeni twende!” She said after she quickly swang the girls’ bedroom door. It was 8am. The curtains in that room longed to be drawn. They must have be having a sun burn from blocking sun rays since first light. Sleep was slowly leaving the room like a scent that was diffusing. The dreams […] More

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    Hiccup! There is a knock on the door. It sounded slugged. You know, not like, ‘Knock Knock Knock!’ But more like, ‘Knock!……… Knock!…….. Kno….. Knock!’ Like the way you would knock when you’re sleep walking. It started off like that. But the null responses that followed after every knock just triggered louder and more vigorous […] More

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    She shuffles her feet around the room like a lost chicken. One part of her panicking while asking how can she have left? Where to? How long ago did she go? Perhaps I can go after her. Another part of her begged to differ saying, she is long gone. Another one struggled with the reality […] More

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    She was in the bedroom when it began. She had her legs tucked under the table and her mind buried in books, trying to finish her homework before bedtime when the calmness of just another evening in the house was clogged by earsplitting voices. Probably the kind of voice she would use when her younger […] More