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    I have amended what I was to write for this blog three times. This is the third amendment and I am sorry to say, the floor of the house has to pass it. Interestingly, it is the thing that came at the last minute just before I opened my notepad. Sometimes no matter how much […] More

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    My sons and daughter are seated at the front row of the congregation. My grandkids seated just behind their fathers and mother. Their wives (my sons) are around the boma running errands. It’s not that hot but the tents are doing well to keep the weather more bearable. The other congregants are old men in […] More

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    The sound of the engine of his car impresses him. No not because it’s has a turbo or anything of the kind, but because it is his first car brand new car and the sound of the engine is nearly no sound at all. For the fifteen years he has been a lecturer, he always […] More

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    It’s 12.06PM on Thursday in campus. That’s the time life begins to flow into the gates of campus. Comrades from almost all walks of life match in and out with agendas only their transcripts can testify about best. It’s a true story by the way. I bet you’ve come across a meme of quite an […] More

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    “Weh Judy kwani hio order haifiki?” She asks loudly and laughs boisterously. She turns and proceeds with her chat with her friend in Kikuyu. Still loud. We are in a small food joint that neighbours the university hostels. Everyone who dines there is used to her being all loud and chatty. Some find it unfortunate […] More

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    Fred is a 24 year old Mjango. If you ask me, I’d say he is quite tall, quite dark and as for handsomeness? That’s not for me to say. I will leave that to the ladies or the lady he has been looking for on an online dating site since the famous handshake took place. […] More

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    The hostel looks like an apartment. Well, it’s a way of saying it looks too good to be called a hostel. Other universities I’ve been to don’t have hostels that match up to this one. It’s a girls’ hostel and unlike other male comrades who went in to test their evolving manly skills, I was […] More

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    I stare at the pinot noir glass resting at the glass table in front of me. A liquid that has a colour that beverage amateurs would confuse for blood is gently poured into it. The pouring stops when the glass is half full or half empty for the pessimists. Wine is not like juice that […] More

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    We had just reported back to school for second term after the April holidays. I was in form three at the time and you bet the academic ladder was becoming more of two poles with nowhere to step on. Many things come in the way of an ordinary student to make the ascension up the […] More

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    The gears of my age change seamlessly at the same time my grandmother’s does; my mother’s mother. We share a birthday. In our entire extended family of more than a hundred and fifty people, I think I have a reason to brag. Who gets so lucky to share a birth-date with the mother of many? […] More

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    It is so damn cold in Nairob! I just had to say. Call it the Kenyan winter. So you guys should be seeing snowflakes dropping here as you read. I’m not used to this kind of atmospheric insult . I am not the kind who mourns for the rains when there is too much sun. […] More

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    “Happy eighteenth birthdaaaaay…” They sang in cheerful voices as they showered me with champagne and applied cream on my face. “Wewe si wangu sasa. Weh ni wa serikali.” My dad said and everyone giggled. “Make a wish dear.” My mum said. After thinking for a while, “More life.” Everyone cheered. I am not sure they […] More

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